
Updated: November 1, 2023 11:27

The following are some of the government departments' responses to questions on the Feedback page:

1. Are enterprises invested by investment companies set up by foreign-invested enterprises eligible for the treatment of foreign-invested enterprises? Are the enterprises still eligible when they invest in the central and western regions?

Ministry of Commerce:

According to The Opinions of the State Council on Further Optimizing the Business Environment for Foreign Investment and Increasing the Attraction of Foreign Investment (Guofa [2023] No. 11), eligible foreign investors are encouraged to set up investment companies and regional headquarters, and enterprises set up by relevant investment companies can receive the treatment of foreign-invested enterprises in accordance with relevant state regulations.

The Provisions on the Establishment of Investment Companies by Foreign Investors and its supplementary provisions are currently in effect. Foreign-invested enterprises that meet relevant conditions can receive the preferential treatment of investment companies and regional headquarters of multinational companies.

In addition, the Ministry of Commerce and commerce departments at the provincial level have set up special working groups to offer services in foreign investment. If foreign-invested enterprises encounter difficulties and have demands concerning their operation and development in China, they can contact the special working groups and we will actively coordinate efforts to help them.

(Updated on Nov 1, 2023)

2. I have three suggestions regarding information disclosure and performance briefings for Chinese companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. 1) The companies should publish financial performance reports in English, as companies listed in Europe and Hong Kong stock market do. 2) CEOs of those companies should be interviewed after the release of financial performance reports, and introduce relevant information with English translations of the interview transcripts provided. 3) Allow foreign investors to purchase stocks on the ChiNext board and STAR market under the stock connect mechanism.

China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC):

1. Companies listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges are allowed to release materials in English and other languages for international development. According to Article X of the Regulations on Information Disclosure of Listed Companies, for information disclosed in both Chinese and a foreign language, the disclosure obligor shall ensure consistency between the languages. In the case of any disparities, the Chinese version shall prevail.   

2. CSRC encourages listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen to hold performance briefings after releasing regular reports. Such briefings should help elaborate on the current situation of its industry, development strategies, status of production and operation, financial situation, management and use of raised funds, risks and difficulties, and other issues investors are concerned about. You can learn about related arrangements of the performance briefings via company announcements.

3. The launch of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect in November 2014 and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect in December 2016 created a new convenient and risk-controllable model for cross-border securities investment. Overseas investors can purchase eligible stocks on the main boards and ChiNext board under the Stock Connect mechanism. In February 2021, eligible stocks of STAR market companies were officially incorporated into Shanghai Stock Connect. In March 2023, CSRC promoted the expansion of the range of eligible stocks under the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect and pushed forward its implementation. After the expansion, the market value of stocks under the Shanghai Stock Connect and Shenzhen Stock Connect accounted for 90 percent and 86 percent, respectively, in the A-share market of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. The market value of STAR stocks covered by the connect mechanism reached 60 percent of the board, a 29 percent increase after the expansion. That means foreign investors have no obstacles in terms of policy or practical operations in purchasing stocks on ChiNext board and the STAR market via the Stock Connect mechanism. Next, CSRC will continue to optimize and improve the Stock Connect mechanism, effectively consolidate cross-border regulatory cooperation, and provide more convenient, efficient, and safer channels for foreign investors to invest in the A-share market.

(Updated on April 18, 2023)

3. I lived in Beijing, China, from October 2018 to August 2019, and I have left China. I am a Russian citizen and currently living in Russia. Now I cannot travel to China to apply for and get a certificate of non-criminal record of that time when I was living there. Could you please tell me how to get the certificate?

Ministry of Public Security:

According to Article 5 of the Provisions on the Work of Public Security Organs Handling Criminal Record Inquiries, inquiry of a foreigner who has lived in China for longer than 180 days shall be handled by the exit and entry administration department of the public security bureau at or above the county level in the place where he or she lives.

Inquiry entrusted by a foreigner shall be handled by the local authority of the foreigner’s previous residence. Therefore, it is recommended that you ask relatives or friends in China to apply for the certificate on your behalf.

(Updated on March 29, 2023)

4. Can I stay in China for less than 15 days without a visa if I have a Japanese passport valid for more than 6 months? What are the entry requirements for COVID-19? Do I need to have a nucleic acid test before entering China? What are the requirements upon arrival and departure from China?

National Immigration Administration:

For your question, the current policies are as follows:

1. Visa-free entry and stay in China for no more than 15 days with a valid Japanese passport.

Since Sept 1, 2003, China has implemented a 15-day visa-free policy for Japanese citizens. Citizens of Japan bearing ordinary passports to visit China for tourism, business, visiting relatives and friends or transit can stay for no more than 15 days from the date of entry without a visa in designated cities.

After the outbreak of COVID-19, based on international conventions and practices China temporarily suspended some visa-free policies, allowing entry of foreigners who engage in essential business in China, such as economic, trade, scientific and technological activities in China or have urgent humanitarian needs, while strictly preventing and controlling the epidemic.

For any specific policy on Japanese citizens entering China with ordinary passports, please consult local Chinese embassies or consulates.

2. Requirements for prevention and control of COVID-19 on China’s entry and exit.

On June 28, 2022, the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China issued the COVID-19 Prevention and Control Protocol (ninth edition). Inbound travelers must complete "7-day centralized isolation and medical observation + 3-day home health monitoring". Nucleic acid testing will be conducted on the first, second, third, fifth and seventh days during centralized isolation and medical observation, and another testing will be carried out on the third day during the home health monitoring period.

For detailed questions, please consult the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China. Meanwhile, before entering China, you are advised to contact your local Chinese embassies or consulates about the entry policies and epidemic prevention and control requirements.

(Updated on Sept 5, 2022)

5. For import goods from Japan, why does the tariff increase when the RCEP certificate of origin is used in some cases (such as 7318.21.00 on the import tariff table). Is there a tariff discount for goods with RCEP certificates of origin after three years, i.e. 2024?

Ministry of Commerce:

The benchmark rate for RCEP is the most-favored-nation (MFN) tariff rate that China implemented in 2012, when it was 10%. However, in November 2018, China adjusted the MFN tariff rate for this commodity to 8%. Under the framework of RCEP agreement, China’s tariff cut is still based on the MFN tariff rate implemented in 2012. Therefore, the tariff rate under RCEP is higher than the current MFN tariff rate. In this case, companies can choose the lowest tariff rate. By 2024, the tariff rate for this commodity will be reduced to 7.3%, which means that the RCEP rate will be more favorable after 2024.

(Updated on Aug 26, 2022)

6. Will China consider granting permanent residence to foreigners who have Chinese family member(s)?

National Immigration Administration:

According to the Exit&Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China and related regulations, foreigners who meet any of the following conditions may apply for permanent residence in China:

a. working in China;

b. directly investing in China;

c. having made remarkable contribution to China; or

d. applying for a residence permit for reunion, including spouse reunion, children’s reunion with parents or the elderly with relatives.

(Updated on July 28, 2022)

7. I'm from the United States, and have been working in China for the past 11 years. I really enjoy life here and hope to stay in China for many years. I’d like to know whether China will relax its permanent residence policy?

National Immigration Administration:

We’re glad to have you live and work in China. The National  Immigration Administration has issued a series of policies and measures in recent years to facilitate foreigners' work and life in China. You can consult the exit&entry administration office of the local public security organ for residence application, or contact the China Immigration Service Hotline 12367. We will reply in accordance with your situation. We will also carefully study your opinions and suggestions, continue to improve policies for foreigners' stay or residence in China, and provide high-quality services of exit&entry and stay or residence for foreigners who invest or start businesses, engage in economic and trade exchanges, conduct scientific and technological cooperation, and study and work in China. Thank you for your support for immigration administration.

(Updated on July 28, 2022)

8. I am planning to drive a Toyota Landcruiser (79 Series) from Singapore to London over the course of 6 months, around the year 2025. Can I inquire what kind of permits would be required in order to transit through the People’s Republic of China in this vehicle temporarily? I would also seek information about tolls payable on the roads that I would travel (G30 for example).

Ministry of Public Security:

Based on the Provisions on Administration of Motor Vehicles and Drivers of Temporary Entry (Order No.90 of the Ministry of Public Security), to apply for a license plate or driving permit for temporary entry of a motor vehicle, you must fill out the Application Form for the Plate and Driving Permit of the Motor Vehicle of Temporary Entry in Chinese, deliver the motor vehicle for inspection, and submit the following certificates and vouchers: Motor vehicle registration certificate ratified and issued by the overseas authority, and a Chinese translation; Voucher issued by China Customs or other departments permitting the motor vehicle to enter the territory; The motor vehicle’s certificate for safety and technical inspection, and a Chinese translation; Voucher of compulsory liability insurance for traffic accidents of motor vehicles in China.

To apply for temporary permission to drive a motor vehicle, you must complete the Application Form for Temporary Permission to Drive the Motor Vehicle in Chinese, and submit the following certificates and vouchers: Identity certificate for entry and exit; An overseas motor vehicle driver's license, and a Chinese translation; Documents proving that the driver’s age and health conform to China’s driving age requirement; Two one-inch (approximately 2.5x3.5cm) color photos (recent half-length, bareheaded, and full-faced with a white background).

Expiration date of the temporary driving permits will be in accordance with the permitted entry time limit registered in the identity certificate for entry and exit of the driver. According to the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Facilitation Measures for Vehicles and Personnel of Temporary Entry, you can apply for temporary driving permits for compact cars and motorcycles with identity certificates for entry and exit and the overseas driving licenses, and you are exempt from physical exams and physical condition certificate. The temporary driving permit is valid for 3 months; For over 3 months, the valid term of the driving permit shall be consistent with the term indicated on the approval document for entry, provided that the maximum period shall not exceed 1 year; The temporary driving permit can be used multiple times within the valid term, without re-applying; For questions related to road tolls, please consult the transportation department.

Ministry of Transport:

Regarding the toll roads in Chinese mainland, you can log in to the official website of provincial-level transportation authorities for detailed information. The 95022 hotline does not provide international calling or non-Mandarin dialogue services. It is recommended you call +86-95022 for consultation before 2025.

(Updated on April 27, 2022)

9. Our company is a foreign-invested enterprise and has already received approval for an onshore oil cooperation project. But the actual controller (ultimate shareholder) of our company has changed. Should we submit this information to the Ministry of Commerce for record?

Department of Foreign Investment Administration under the Ministry of Commerce:

According to the Foreign Investment Law and its implementing regulations, no government approval or recording is required to set up or alter a foreign-invested enterprise. Foreign investors or foreign-funded companies shall submit investment information to related commercial departments in charge through the national online system for enterprise registration and the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System.

(Updated on April 22, 2022)

10. Am I allowed to bring drugs for self-use to China? What documents am I supposed to bring along as certificates for the drugs? Which drugs are prohibited and which self-use psychotropic drugs can enter China with related prescriptions? Are there concrete catalogues of anesthetic and psychotropic drugs?

General Administration of Customs:

1. On the entry of anesthetic and psychotropic drugs to China. Chinese authorities classify anesthetic and psychotropic drugs as medical and non-medical. Anesthetic and psychotropic drugs for medical use brought into China can be released by customs under the principle of self use and reasonable quantity in accordance with regulations on the management of anesthetic and psychoactive drugs; Anesthetic and psychotropic drugs for non-medical use are prohibited from entering China. Medical anesthetic and psychotropic drugs are in the catalogue of anesthetic drugs and the catalogue of psychotropic drugs, while non-medical anesthetic and psychotropic drugs are in the supplementary catalogue of controlled non-medical anesthetic and psychotropic drugs. The latest versions of the relevant catalogues can be found on the official website of the National Medical Products Administration, and the catalogues go with the medical product names both in Chinese and English, and CAS number (registration number) for your reference.

2. On reasonable use and self-use of medical anesthetic and psychotropic substances entering China. According to current regulations, the quantity allowed for the reasonable use and self-use of anesthetic and psychotropic drugs is one-time dosage of prescribed anesthetic drugs and class I psychotropic drugs for injection; and the quantity of other prescribed preparations shall not exceed a 3-day dosage; and that of controlled and sustained-release drugs shall not exceed a 7-day dosage; the quantity of prescribed class II psychotropic drugs generally shall not exceed 7 days. Under certain special circumstances, the prescription dosage can be extended, but the reasons should be indicated by a doctor.

3. Policies regarding the entry of other drugs to China. According to the administration of drug imports, a small amount of drugs brought by inbound personnel for personal use shall be limited to a reasonable and self-use amount, and shall be subject to customs supervision. If the drugs are anesthetic and psychotropic, they shall be handled in accordance with Article 1 of the reply; If the drugs involve protein assimilation preparations and peptide hormones, customs shall check and release them according to prescriptions from medical institutions.

(Updated on March 30, 2022)

11. Does antiserum for research use only require an import license to enter China? If an import license is required, what are the conditions and the process to obtain it? For example, is a risk assessment one of the conditions for a license? What are the fees, if any? Is it a single-use license, or can it be used for more than one shipment imported into China? Is it necessary for overseas exporters to have a registered agent in China?

General Administration of Customs:

According to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine and its implementation regulations and Provisions on the Administration of the Health and Quarantine of Entry/Exit Special Articles,

1. When importing non-infectious animal blood and its products (except those derived from Specific Pathogen Free laboratory animals), the Permit of the People’s Republic of China for the Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants is needed. You can visit the website of the General Administration of Customs, and follow the path, “互联网+海关-办事指南-行政审批-进境(过境)动植物及其产品检疫审批” (“Internet Plus Customs-Guidance-Administrative Approval-Examination and Approval of the Quarantine of Entry (Transit) Animals and Plants”) to check the requirements for application . Entry and exit of special items, including micro-organisms, human tissue, biological products, blood and its products must have the Health Quarantine Approval Certificate on Special Articles. You can visit the website of the General Administration of Customs, and check the “办事指南” (“Guidance”) sub-column under the “互联网+海关” (“Internet Plus Customs” ) column for the requirements.

2. China Customs conducts risk assessment based on the health status of the antiserum’s source animals, the preliminary experimental results and the antiserum’s biological safety, and specifies inspection and quarantine requirements in the Permit of the People’s Republic of China for the Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants.

3. China Customs doesn’t charge any fees for the Permit of the People’s Republic of China for the Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants and the Health Quarantine Approval Certificate on Special Articles.

4. The Permit of the People’s Republic of China for the Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants is valid for 12 months, and can be reported for verification and cancellation multiple times within the validity period if all the information, including consigners, consignees, exporting countries/regions and species, is identical. The Health Quarantine Approval Certificate on Special Articles can also be used multiple times within the validity period.

5. During the examination and approval of quarantine inspection for the entry of special items, overseas exporters may entrust users or sellers within China. 

(Updated on March 30, 2022)

12. Is there a conventional tariff rate for vehicles imported from Thailand under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership? If there is, how can I find it?

Ministry of Commerce:

The Ministry of Commerce has revealed the related information. Please refer to the service website for China's free trade zones, and click on “Query FTA Duty Rates” on its homepage to find detailed information.

(Updated on Feb 21, 2022)

13. Does the two-month automatic visa extension policy apply to my visa, which is about to expire?

National Immigration Administration:

Foreigners who have applied for a Chinese visa and entered the country after March 28, 2020, may not apply for the automatic extension. They should apply for visa extension or renewal in advance, based on their actual reasons for staying in China, at the exit-entry administration divisions of the Public Security Bureau (PSB).

(Updated on Jan 21, 2022)

14. Are there any restrictions on bringing drugs for personal use into China in carry-on baggage? And which authority is in charge of delivering drugs for personal use into China?

General Administration of Customs:

According to current laws and regulations, the amount of drugs carried in carry-on baggage when entering and exiting China should be reasonable and only for the purpose of personal use. It should be subject to the supervision of customs. When bringing in certain kinds of drugs, such as narcotics, psychotropic drugs, protein anabolic agents, and peptide hormones, a prescription issued by a medical institution is needed for customs clearance.

Administrative Measures for the Import of Drugs only stipulates terms for individuals carrying drugs inbound. Delivering drugs inbound by individuals is under the management of the National Health Commission and the State Drug Administration. It is recommended that you consult those departments.

(Updated on Dec 29, 2021)

15. How can enterprises in China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone change their name and address

China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Administration:

If enterprises in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone want to change their name and address, they must apply for pre-approval for the name change. If approved, they need to submit a land-use certificate, at which time the name and address can be changed.

(Updated on Dec 21, 2021)

16. According to the 8th item in the 2020 negative list for foreign investment: proportion of shares held by Chinese shareholders in complete vehicle manufacturing industry shall not be less than 50 percent, except for manufacturers of special use vehicles, new energy vehicles and commercial vehicles. Can electric motorcycles and electric bicycles be termed "complete vehicles", and are there such restrictions in the production of electric motorcycles and electric bicycles? And will the restrictions on share ratios be abolished in 2022?

Ministry of Commerce:

An automobile refers to a non-track-bearing vehicle driven by power, with 4 or more wheels. Electric motorcycles and electric bicycles cannot be classified as "complete vehicles". According to the current negative list for foreign investment, the restriction on the proportion of foreign shares in passenger vehicle manufacturing and the restriction on the same foreign investor establishing no more than two joint ventures producing similar vehicle products in China will be abolished in 2022.

(Updated on Sept 23, 2021)

17. Foreigners with residence in China can use self-service customs clearance at most ports, so the entry and exit records are no longer displayed on their passports. How can a foreigner get an entry and exit record now?

National Immigration Administration:

You can print the latest entry and exit record at any port where there is a self-service printer for printing entry and exit records for free. If you need to affix the inspection seal, you can contact the border inspection authority at the entry and exit port. After verification, you can get the seal.

Foreigners who need to check their own entry and exit records can apply to the National Immigration Administration through their embassies in China.

(Updated on July 2, 2021)

18. Am I supposed to deal with the visa extension in the city where my invitation letter is issued or just in the local city where I work?

National Immigration Administration:

Foreigners should apply for visa extensions through the entry and exit administration department of the region where the invitation letter was issued.

(Updated on May 27, 2021)

19. Can foreigners in China with residence permits whose passports are near expiry still get the 60-day automatic visa extension during the COVID-19 pandemic?

National Immigration Administration:

According to visa extension policies, foreigners who have entered China before March 28, 2020, may automatically extend their Chinese visa or residence permits for 60 days upon the expiry dates, without any procedures at the exit-entry administration divisions of the Public Security Bureau (PSB). They may stay in China and exit the country using the original residence permits.

However, the automatic visa extension does not apply to those with expiring passports but still want to stay in China. In that case, they must first acquire a new valid passport and apply for a visa extension or renewal at the exit-entry administration divisions of the PSB.

(Updated on April 23, 2021)

20. How can foreign citizens enroll in China's colleges or universities?

Ministry of Education:

According to the Regulations over Admission of International Students of Higher Education Institutions, foreign citizens applying to study in China’s higher education institutions as international students must conform to the following conditions, in addition to meeting the institutions’ qualification requirements:

- They must have been holding a valid foreign passport or nationality certificate for at least 4 years;

- They must have a stamped passport record of border entry and exit that shows that, within the past 4 years bounded by April 30 of the recruitment year, their actual living period in foreign countries exceeded 2 years. A 9-month or longer stay within the same year in a foreign country can be counted as a full-year stay.

Another reference is the MOE’s regulation on enrollment of general institutes of higher education in 2020: “A foreign citizen residing in China and meeting the registration criteria may bring his or her Foreign Permanent Resident Identity Card and apply to register for the college entrance exam, or Gaokao, at locations appointed by the province-level recruitment commissions.”

(Updated on April 23, 2021)

21. Is it allowed to set up wholly foreign-owned education training institutions in Free Trade Zones?

Ministry of Commerce:

According to the Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for Foreign Investment Access in Pilot Free Trade Zones (Edition 2020), wholly foreign-owned enterprises are allowed to set up nonacademic vocational training institutes and academic vocational education institutions.

(Updated on April 23, 2021)

22. What rules should a foreign enterprise follow to conduct equity merger and acquisition of a Chinese holding company?

Ministry of Commerce:

According to the Foreign Investment Law and its supporting rules and regulations, no government approval and recording is required to set up or alter a foreign-invested enterprise. Foreign investment, subject to the Foreign Investment Law, its enforcement regulations and the Measures for Reporting Foreign Investment Information, must fulfill the obligation of information reporting.

Foreign investors must meet the requirements in the Regulations on Merger With and Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors. Items from the regulations that are not in line with the Foreign Investment Law and its enforcement regulations shall no longer be executed.

(Updated on April 23, 2021)

23. When will China lift the requirement for a letter of invitation before issuing an M visa?

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

According to the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners, the M visa is issued to people who are coming to China for commercial trade activities. To apply for the M visa, the applicant must submit the letter of invitation provided by the commercial or trade partner in China, with no exceptions.

(Updated on Nov 17, 2020)

24. Can foreigners with long-term residence in China be granted an identification number like Chinese citizens?

National Immigration Administration:

The National Immigration Administration is actively looking to provide identity authentication services for foreigners lawfully residing in China to create more convenience for their studies, work and life in the country.

For foreigners with permanent residence in China, NIA built and launched the service platform for identity authentication with entry and exit documents in 2019, and established the inter-ministerial joint conference mechanism for convenient application for these documents. Services involving identity authentication with entry and exit documents, as well as identifying and reading information on such documents, are available to government departments, enterprises, public institutions and social service organizations. This has helped deliver a range of benefits to foreigners permanently living in China, overseas Chinese, and residents of Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions. With entry and exit documents, they can buy tickets online, perform self check-ins at airports, open accounts for banking and securities services and their mobile phones, make a hospital appointment, purchase insurance, pay taxes and fees, and create mobile payment accounts, among others.

For foreigners residing in China, NIA is exploring introducing new identity authentication functions to the platform for identity authentication with entry and exit documents. NIA seeks to develop dedicated machines and tools for passport identification and gradually expand the coverage of identity authentication services for foreigners to more industries and sectors, including internet enterprises. It will offer them easy access to various government, public and internet services in China.

(Updated on Aug 10, 2020)

25. Can foreign investors of small- and medium-sized enterprises apply for permanent residence in China?

National Immigration Administration:

Foreigners are welcome to apply for permanent residence in China as investors. To do so, they should meet the requirements of the Regulations on Examination and Approval of Permanent Residence of Foreigners in China, or be eligible for related permanent residence promotion measures unveiled by the Ministry of Public Security and NIA to support local economic and social development.

In addition, foreigners can also submit an application on the grounds of holding posts and seeking family reunions in the country, among other reasons. NIA will vigorously enhance immigration services to help foreigners with permanent residence integrate into Chinese society better and faster.

(Updated on Aug 10, 2020)

26. Under what conditions can foreigners apply for longer-term work-residence permits?

National Immigration Administration:

According to law and regulations, foreigners working in China, who have received work-residence permits for two consecutive years and not broken any laws or regulations during their stay, can apply for a 5-year visa.

(Updated on Aug 10, 2020)

27. What should foreigners in China do if they plan domestic travel and their visas will expire during the COVID-19 epidemic period?

National Immigration Administration:

In the early stage of the epidemic, most entry and exit service windows were closed to prevent people from gathering. To facilitate foreigners’ stay in China, their visas can be extended automatically for 60 days. Currently, service windows for exit and entry under public security departments are all open, and foreigners are recommended to apply for visa extensions or other services before their visas expire. For visa recognition at railways and road administration departments, foreigners should consult with local authorities. Considering infection risks, long-distance travel is not recommended.

(Updated on Aug 10, 2020)

28. What if the foreign passport is expiring while the residence permit is valid?

National Immigration Administration:

According to the Exit and Entry Administration Law of China, foreigners in China who change jobs should apply to the exit and entry administrative department where the new employer is located to renew their residence permit. The validity period of the renewed residence permit should not be longer than the passport. Foreigners whose passport is expiring should renew it and at the same time renew the residence permit at the exit and entry administrative department. They can ask the local department for details and further information.

These suggestions are only for reference, please consult local departments concerned for further information.

(Updated on July 20, 2020)

29. When can foreign students be allowed to enter China?

National Immigration Administration:

China is still facing severe epidemic prevention, as the COVID-19 epidemic has not been brought under full control in many other countries and regions. Many provinces in China have seen imported cases. In order to safeguard Chinese people’s safety and health, China has to take necessary measures to limit foreigners’ entry according to international conventions.

A total of 182 countries around the world are still taking strict measures against foreigners’ exit and entry. Foreigners entering China for necessary economic and trade events, scientific and technological activities, and urgent humanitarian efforts, should apply for a visa from Chinese embassies and consulates stationed abroad. They can consult the embassies and consulates or the consular affairs department of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

There has been no information released on when China’s exit and entry limits will be eased. If there is any policy updates, we will let the public know. You can consult the Ministry of Education for more details on foreign students’ study resumption.

These suggestions are only for reference, please consult local departments concerned for further information.

(Updated on July 20, 2020)

30. Which department is in charge of registration of Chinese marriages with foreigners?

Ministry of Civil Affairs:

According to the Regulations on Control of Marriage Registration, Chapter One, Article Two, registration of marriage between Chinese citizens and foreigners, between overseas Chinese and domestic citizens, between residents who come from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), Macao SAR and Taiwan, and mainland citizens shall be handled by civil affairs departments under people's governments in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, or other institutions entrusted by such departments.

According to regulations, civil affairs departments under people's governments in provinces, or other institutions entrusted by such departments should handle registration for marriage between Chinese citizens and foreigners, between overseas Chinese and domestic citizens, between residents who come from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), Macao SAR and Taiwan and mainland citizens.

Therefore, Chinese citizens’ marriage with foreigners should be handled by the international marriage registration authorities in the province where the Chinese spouse is regarded as a permanent resident.

(Updated on July 20, 2020)

31. Can foreigners who once held Chinese citizenship apply to regain their Chinese citizenship status?

Ministry of Public Security:

According to Article 13 of the Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China, foreign nationals who once held Chinese nationality may apply for restoration of their Chinese nationality if they have legitimate reasons; those whose applications for doing so have been approved shall not retain foreign nationality. Article 15 of the Nationality Law provides that nationality applications made in China shall be handled by the public security bureaus of the cities or counties where the applicants were originally registered; nationality applications abroad shall be handled by Chinese diplomatic representative agencies and consular offices. And according to Article 16 of the Nationality Law, applications for naturalization as Chinese nationals and for renunciation or restoration of Chinese nationality are subject to examination and approval by the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China. The Ministry of Public Security shall issue a certificate to the person whose application has been approved.

Pursuant to these stipulations, a foreign national once having Chinese nationality may apply for restoring the Chinese nationality at the exit-entry administration of the public security authority in the place where the household registration thereof was initially made or to the Chinese embassy and consulate in the foreign country, provided that reasons are given to justify such application. The organ receiving an application will submit it to the Ministry of Public Security through required procedures for review and approval. The Ministry of Public Security will issue a certificate of restoration of Chinese nationality to the person whose application has been approved.

(Updated on Dec 26, 2019)

32. Can foreign tourists travel through China without a visa?

Ministry of Public Security:

The 144-hour visa-free transit policy is being implemented in Shanghai. With valid international travel certificates and an onward ticket with confirmed date and seat within 144 hours upon arrival to a third country or region, citizens of 53 countries including the United Kingdom can enter or exit China without visas from the Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal, Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal, Shanghai Railway Station or some ports in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and can stay in the administrative areas of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang for 144 hours.

Thus, if your travel information conforms to the above requirements, you can enjoy the 144-hour visa-free transit policy. But if the destination of your interline ticket is the same as the place of your departure, the policy is not applicable and you should get a visa before coming to China.

(Updated on Dec 26, 2019)

33. Is it allowed for foreigners (expatriates) with a Chinese green card to teach in China without any other work permit or FEC?

National Immigration Administration:

According to the Measures for Entitlements of Foreigners with Permanent Residency in China (Ren She Bu Fa [2012] No. 53), a Work Permit for Foreigners to Work in China is not needed for those approved for permanent residency in China, except for cases specified by some related laws and regulations.

(Updated on April 10, 2019)

34. Are prescribed psychotropic drugs (strictly for personal use) banned in the PRC for import?

State Drug Administration:

According to the Drug Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China, an Import Drug License issued by the State Drug Administration is needed to import drugs into China, and an Import License issued by the State Drug Administration is needed for importing narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs.

According to the Regulation on the Administration of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Drugs, for the treatment of diseases, one can carry narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs of category I within the maximum amount of a single prescription, with a medical certificate issued by a medical institution and an identity certificate.

Narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs of category I can be released by customs if they are for personal use and in reasonable quantities.

(Updated on April 10, 2019)

35. Can overseas students take up internships in China, and if so, what permits and certificates are required?

Ministry of Public Security:

To meet the practical needs of overseas students in China taking up off-campus internships, please refer to the 22nd article of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners promulgated and implemented in 2013:

“Where a foreigner holding a residence permit for study intends to engage in off-campus work-study or internship, he or she shall, upon the approval of the school, apply to the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ to have such information as the location and duration of the work-study program or internship placement specified in his or her residence permit. ”

“A foreigner holding a residence permit for study shall not engage in any off-campus work-study or internship unless the information prescribed in the preceding paragraph is specified in his or her residence permit.”

With a study certificate and a certificate of permission for off-campus internship issued by the universities or colleges, and an admission certificate and other related materials issued by the employer, international students can apply to the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ in the district where his or her college is located to have “internship” specified in the residence permit for study.

(Updated on Jan 23, 2018)

36. Can overseas drivers bring a foreign vehicle into China, and if so, what permits and certificates are required?

Ministry of Public Security:

Based on Article 122 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety, Article 113 of Regulation on the Implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, and Provisions on Administration of Motor Vehicles and Drivers of Temporary Entry (Order of the Ministry of Public Security (No. 90)), China practices uniform administration of road traffic safety on overseas motor vehicles entering the territory of the country, and overseas drivers must apply for a license plate and driving permit for temporary entry of a motor vehicle.

Foreign motor vehicles can temporarily enter the territory if they meet at least one of two conditions:

1. Foreign motor vehicles and motor vehicle drivers that temporarily enter the territory upon approval of the state authority to take part in organized travels, races or other activities;

2. Foreign motor vehicles and motor vehicle drivers that only run within the scope of a border area after temporarily entering the territory.

Where there is a bilateral or multilateral transit agreement with China, the agreement shall be complied with. Where there is a mutual recognition agreement between countries or governments on motor vehicle certificates and driver's licenses, the agreement shall be complied with.

Application for license plate or driving permit for temporary entry of a motor vehicle:

A foreign motor vehicle running temporarily after entering the territory must apply to the traffic administrative department of the public security organ of the municipality directly under the Central Government or district municipality where the place of entry or place of start is located for the plate and driving permit of the motor vehicle of temporary entry.

The applicant must fill out the “Application Form for the Plate and Driving Permit of the Motor Vehicle of Temporary Entry” in Chinese, deliver the motor vehicle for inspection, and submit the following certificates and vouchers:

1. Motor vehicle registration certificate ratified and issued by the overseas authority, and the Chinese translation in addition in case the registration certificate is not expressed in Chinese;

2. Voucher issued by Chinese customs or other department on permitting the motor vehicle to enter the territory;

3. The certificate issued by Chinese authorities if part of organized travel, race or other activity;

4. The motor vehicle’s certificate on safety and technical inspection, and the Chinese translation in addition in case the certificate is ratified and issued by an overseas competent authority;

5. The voucher of compulsory insurance of liability for traffic accidents of motor vehicles in China, with the term no shorter than the period of temporary stay.

The traffic administrative department of a public security organ shall, within three days of receipt of the application materials, examine the submitted certificates and vouchers, and check the motor vehicle. If the application conforms to the provisions, it shall ratify and issue the plate and driving permit for the motor vehicle of temporary entry.

The valid term of the plate or driving permit shall be consistent with the term indicated on the approval document for entry, provided that the maximum period shall not exceed three months.

Temporary permission to drive a motor vehicle

An applicant for temporary permission to drive a motor vehicle must complete the Application Form for Temporary Permission to Drive the Motor Vehicle in Chinese, and submit the following certificates and vouchers:

1. Identity certificate for entry and exit;

2. An overseas motor vehicle driver's license, provided it is written in a language other than Chinese, a Chinese translation shall be required;

3. Documents proving that the driver’s age and health conform to the driving permission requests set up by China.

4. Two one-inch (approximately 2.5x3.5cm) color photos (recent half-length, bareheaded, and full-faced with a white background);

5. The certificate issued by the Chinese authorities must be submitted for organized travels, races and other exchange activities.

The traffic administrative department of the public security organ shall carry out an inspection within three days of the date of receiving the application materials, organize those who comply with the provisions to study the laws and regulations on road traffic safety and issue the temporary driving permits.

The expiration date of the temporary driving permits will be in accordance with the permitted entry time limit registered in the identity certificate for entry and exit of the motor vehicle driver. However, the valid period shall be no more than three months.

Application of change for China’s driver's licenses

According to Application and Usage of Motor Vehicle Driving License (Order of the Ministry of Public Security (No. 139)), overseas drivers can apply for China’s driver's license through the local traffic administrative department of a public security organ.

To apply for driver's license C2 for small automatic car, they must pass the Course 1 Test on China’s traffic regulations and related knowledge.

To apply for driver's license A1 for large buses, driver's license A2 for towing vehicles, driver's license B1 for medium buses or driver's license B2 for large trucks, in addition to the Course 1 Test, they must take the Course 3 Test.

Overseas drivers can get the driver's licenses after passing the test.

For detailed information, please refer to the website of the Ministry of Public Security: for laws and regulations regarding the rules for motor vehicles entering China.

(Updated on Jan 8, 2018)

37. What is the procedure for marrying a foreigner in China?

Ministry of Civil Affairs:

According to the Regulation on Marriage Registration, in order to register a marriage with a foreigner on the Chinese mainland, the following documents are required:

1. Residence booklet, identification card.

2. A signed statement that you currently have no spouse and you have no lineal or collateral relative within three generations by blood with the other party.

In addition, the foreigner must provide the following documents:

1. Valid passport or other valid documents for international travel.

2. A certificate to prove you have no spouse at present, issued by notary offices or other related authorities in your own country and authenticated by the Chinese embassy in your country, or a no-spouse certificate issued by your country’s embassy in China.

Thus, in this case, foreigners can get registered for marriage without offering residence permits, and Chinese citizens do not need to present no-spouse certificates, and neither side needs to provide documents of medical examinations.

In addition, according to the 79th article of the Marriage Registration Work Specification, if foreigners submit any certificates in foreign languages, they should be translated into Chinese. The marriage registration authorities can accept the translated version by Chinese embassies abroad or qualified translation organizations. Therefore, the “no-spouse” certificate translated by Chinese embassies overseas can be recognized by Chinese marriage registration offices. To see whether a translated version by other translation organizations can be accepted, you can consult a Chinese foreign-related marriage registration office in your jurisdiction.

(Updated on Jan 8, 2018)

38. What documents are needed to prove legal marriage in China?

Ministry of Civil Affairs:

According to Article 8 of the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China, “Both the man and the woman desiring to contract a marriage shall register in person with the marriage registration office. If the proposed marriage is found to conform to the provisions of this law, the couple shall be allowed to register and issued marriage certificates. The husband and wife relationship shall be established as soon as they acquire the marriage certificates.” Therefore, the Chinese marriage certificate is the self-evident legal document. In order to prove the legalization of Chinese wedding documents outside China, you should consult the government of your country.

(Updated on Jan 8, 2018)

39. Can overseas Chinese practice medicine in the Chinese mainland?

Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council:

There are no limitations on Chinese citizens who live abroad to work in the Chinese mainland. For laws, regulations and policies involving overseas Chinese, please refer to the policy and regulation column on the official overseas Chinese website:

Regarding overseas Chinese citizens to practice medicine in China, there are two situations:

First, those with a legal medical license obtained in another country and a certificate issued by an overseas Chinese affairs office before practicing medicine in China, and who plan to stay in China short-term, please refer to the Interim Measures for the Administration of Foreign Doctors Practicing Medicine in China for Short Terms.

Second, of those with overseas medical degrees, if their education certificates can get authenticated by the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange and meet the provisions prescribed in the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Medical Practitioners and its related documents, they can sign up for the medical license exam to obtain their certificate and can practice medicine after registration.

(Updated on Oct 17, 2017)

40. Are overseas Chinese considered equal to Chinese citizens and enjoy similar rights? Can they work and live in the Chinese mainland?

Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council:

Overseas Chinese are Chinese citizens who reside abroad, and they enjoy all the rights and obligations of citizenship prescribed by the Constitution and laws.

Article 50 of the Constitution clearly specifies the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese nationals residing abroad. The Exit and Entry Administration Law, Law on Donations for Public Welfare, Adoption Law and Regulation on Marriage Registration have specific provisions on overseas Chinese.

The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and related departments have jointly formulated a series of policy documents on overseas Chinese regarding their returning and settling down in China, talent introduction, education, social insurance and charitable donations.

Provinces and municipalities, including Guangdong, Fujian, Shanghai and Hubei, also formulated regulations on the protection of the rights and interests of overseas Chinese. There are no legal obstacles for overseas Chinese to live and work in the Chinese mainland.

Please refer to the website of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council: for laws and regulations regarding overseas Chinese.

(Updated on Oct 17, 2017)

41. How can a British citizen passing through Beijing on the way to a third country or region stay in Beijing for less than 72 hours?

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Public Security:

According to the situation you described, you have two choices: First, since you are flying to China from London, you can apply for single or double-entry G visa (transit visa) at the Chinese Embassy in the UK, in advance with your valid passport or other international travel document, as well as a through ticket (air, road, rail or sea) with confirmed date and seat to a third country or region. For detailed information, please log onto the Embassy’s website:

Second, you can also apply to China’s immigration inspection authority upon arrival for a temporary entry permit with your valid passport or other international travel document as well as a flight ticket with confirmed date and seat within 72 hours to a third country or region from Beijing Capital Airport. With your temporary entry permit, you could stay in Beijing for up to 72 hours.

(Updated on Aug 17, 2017)

42. What are the subsidy requirements for new energy vehicles in China?

Ministry of Finance:

According to the Circular on the Financial Support Policy on Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles from 2016 to 2020, conventional fuel consumption refers to fuel consumed by gasoline, diesel and other vehicles.

The fuel consumption of plug-in hybrid passenger vehicles should be less than 60 percent of the consumption target of the corresponding conventional fuel-driven vehicles, and the fuel consumption of plug-in hybrid commercial vehicles (including freight cars and passenger cars) less than 60 percent of the consumption limit of the corresponding conventional vehicles. The correspondence here refers to the equal curb mass or maximum design total mass of plug-in hybrid passenger vehicles and conventional vehicles.

The national standards for fuel consumption of conventional passenger cars apply to the document, Passenger Car Fuel Consumption Evaluation Methods and Indicators (GB 27999-2014).

Conventional light-duty and heavy-duty commercial vehicles should refer to the documents, Limits of Fuel Consumption for Light Duty Commercial Vehicles (GB 20997-2007) and Limits of Fuel Consumption for Heavy-duty Commercial Vehicles (GB 30510-2014), separately.

Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, and National Development and Reform Commission also jointly released the Notice on the Adjustment of New Energy Vehicles to Promote the Use of Financial Subsidies Policy, which renews the requirements on fuel consumption of plug-in hybrid vehicles.

(Updated on July 5, 2017)

43. How can foreign postgraduate students from Chinese universities apply to work in China without the previous two-year work experience requirement?

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security:

The regulation on facilitating employment for foreign students with a postgraduate degree or higher with one year (or less) work experience has been published on the ministry’s website.

According to the regulation, please ask the employer, who has the intent to employ you, to log onto the Service System for Foreigners Working in China and upload your materials as follows:

Application form for foreigner’s work permit 外国人来华工作许可申请表

Employment agreement 聘用合同

Certificate of resume 拟聘用者履历证明

Certificate of degree, certificate of graduation学历学位证明

Certificate of no criminal record 无犯罪记录证明

Certificate of physical examination 体检证明

Passport (or other international travel documents) 护照或国际旅行证件

Bareheaded photos taken within the past 6 months 六个月内免冠照片

After being approved, your employer can submit the paper materials at the designated place. In Beijing, it would be the Foreign Experts and Foreigners Employment Service Center, Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

The Chinese name of the office is 北京市人力资源社会保障局外国专家与外国人就业事务中心. The address is No. 5, Yongdingmen West Street, Xicheng District, Beijing.

(Updated on June 20, 2017)

44. Is medication containing amphetamine and dextroamphetamine legal in China, and can it be brought to China?

General Administration of Customs:

According to Chinese regulations, drugs containing amphetamine are banned from entering the People’s Republic of China.

(Updated on June 20, 2017)

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