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State Council Gazette Issue No.13 Serial No.976 (May 10, 2000)

Updated: May 10,2000 10:50 AM


  ·On Educational Work —— Jiang Zemin

  ·Presidential Decree No. 31 of the People’s Republic of China

  —Legislative Law of the People’s Republic of China

  ·Premier Zhu Rongji Meets the Press

  ·Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan on the International Situation and China’s Foreign Policy

  ·Circular on Issuing Proposals on Energetically Pushing Forward Postdoctoral Work in Enterprises —— Ministry of Personnel, National Postdoctoral Work Commission

  —Proposals on Energetically Pushing Forward Postdoctoral Work in Enterprises

  ·Circular on Wage Treatment for Staff of Government Departments and Public Institutions Who Are Suspended From Their Duties Pending Investigation —— Ministry of Personnel

  ·Circular on Wage Treatment for Government Functionaries and Odd-Job Personnel and Staff of Public Institutions Who Are Subjected to Administrative Disciplinary Measures —— Ministry of Personnel

  ·Circular on Issuing Interim Measures for the Administration of Planning for Mineral Resources Exploitation —— Ministry of Land and Resources

  —Interim Measures for the Administration of Planning for Mineral Resources Exploitation

  ·Circular on Issues Concerning the Rectification of Land Exploitation —— Ministry of Land and Resources

  ·Circular on Properly Dealing With the Transfer of Mining Power —— Ministry of Land and Resources

  ·Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on Revising the Circular of the State Administration of Taxation Concerning the Determination of the Amount of Evaded Taxes and Fines for Tax Evasion by General Value Added Tax Payers

  ·Supplementary Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on Deduction and Advance Withdrawal of Income Tax on Foreign Accrued Expenses of Enterprises Within Chinese Boundaries

  ·Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on Collection of Management Fee by the Administrative Organ of Rural Credit Cooperatives

  ·Decree No. 4 of the State Forestry Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture

  —List of Wild Plants Under State Protection (First Batch)

  ·Circular of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China on Appointment and Removal of Nine Officials From the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region