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State Council Gazette Issue No.1 Serial No.1072 (January 10, 2003)

Updated: Jan 10,2003 2:57 PM


  ·Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Transmitting and Issuing the Several Proposals of the State Economic and Trade Commission and Other Departments on Further Supporting the Development of Agricultural Machine Building Industry

  —Several Proposals on Further Supporting the Development of Agricultural Machine Building Industry

  ·Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Issuing the Provisions on Function Disposition, Internal Structure and Staffing of Local Administrative Institutions of Civil Aviation of China

  —Provisions on Function Disposition, Internal Structure and Staffing of Local Administrative Institutions of Civil Aviation of China

  ·Circular of the State Council on Adding the Ruins of the Liye Ancient City to the Fifth Batch of Key National Protected Units for Cultural Relics

  ·Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Approving the Comprehensive City Plan of Luoyang City

  ·A Letter in Reply of the General Office of the State Council on Approving the Upgrading of the Ningbo Inspection and Quarantine Bureau to Directly Subordinate Bureau Status at the Departmental Level

  ·A Letter in Reply of the General Office of the State Council on Approving the Use of the Design of the National Emblem on the Registration Certificate of Non-Governmental Organizations

  ·A Letter in Reply of the General Office of the State Council on Relevant Issues Concerning the Examination and Approval Procedures for the Holding of Foreign Economic and Technological Exhibitions Within the Territory of China   

  ·Joint Declaration of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation   

  ·Decree No.28 of the State Economic and Trade Commission of the People’s Republic of China, the State Development Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and the State Administration for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China

  —Measures for Administration of Circulation of Bave

  ·Decree No.29 of the State Economic and Trade Commission of the People’s Republic of China

  —Measures for Supervision and Inspection of Key Projects of the State Economic and Trade Commission

  ·Decree No.11 of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence of the People’s Republic of China

  —Provisions on Emergency Management of Cross-Border Influence of Radiation Caused by Nuclear Accidents

  ·Decree No.68 of the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China

  —Measures for Handling Mortgage Registration by Notary Offices

  ·Decree No.69 of the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China

  —Measures for Administration of Chinese Commissioned Notaries (Hong Kong)

  ·Circular of the Ministry of Justice on Transmitting and Issuing the Basic Norms on Professional Ethics of Notaries Formulated by the China Association of Notaries

  —Basic Norms on Professional Ethics of Notaries

  ·Circular on Adjusting Relevant Provisions on the Examination of Qualifications to Practice of Legal Counsels of Enterprises —— Ministry of Personnel

  ·Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of Labour Market and Improving the Employment Service System —— Ministry of Labour and Social Security

  ·Decree No.110 of the Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China

  —Measures for Administration of Interior Decoration of Houses

  ·Decree No.19 of the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China

  —Measures for Administration of Medical Beauty Service

  ·Circular on Issuing the Policies on Technologies for Prevention and Control of Pollution of Sulphur Dioxide Discharged by Burning Coal —— State Environmental Protection Administration,State Economic and Trade Commission and Ministry of Science and Technology

  —Policies on Technologies for Prevention and Control of Pollution of Sulphur Dioxide Discharged by Burning Coal

  ·Decree No.12 of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television

  —Interim Provisions on Administration of Lease and Purchase of TV Channels and Establishment of TV Stations in Foreign Countries

  ·Decree No.1 of the National Copyright Administration of the People’s Republic of China

  —Measures for Copyright Registration of Computer Software

  ·Decree No.30 of the State Drug Administration

  —Provisions on Administration of Directions for Use of Medical Apparatus and Instruments

  ·Decree No.31 of the State Drug Administration

  —Measures for Administration of Standards for Medical Apparatus and Instruments

  ·Decree No.7 of the China Seismological Bureau

  —Provisions on Requirements for Seismic Resistance of Construction Projects

  ·Decree No.5 of the China Securities Regulatory Commission

  —Measures for Administration of Securities Companies