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State Council Gazette Issue No.14 Serial No.1013 (May 20, 2001)

Updated: May 20,2001 4:03 PM


  ·Presidential Decree No.46 of the People’s Republic of China

  —Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on the Revision of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Autonomy of Minority Nationality Regions

  —The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Autonomy of Minority Nationality Regions

  ·Presidential Decree No.48 of the People’s Republic of China

  —Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on the Revision of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Ventures with Chinese and Foreign Investment

  —Law of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Ventures with Chinese and Foreign Investment

  ·Official Letter of Reply of the State Council to Agreement with the Establishment of “Scientific and Technological Activity Week”

  ·Remarks by President Jiang Zemin on April 3, 2001 on the Incident of U.S. Spy Plane Colliding With a Chinese Jet Fighter (Excerpts)

  ·President Jiang Zemin, Before His Visits to Six Latin American Countries, Points Out on April 4, 2001 that the U.S. Side Should Apologize to the Chinese People (Excerpts)

  ·Speech by President Jiang Zemin on April 11,2001

  ·Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan Summons U.S. Ambassador Joseph Prueher on April 4, 2001 for the Air Incident Whereby a U.S. Spy Plane Collided With and Destroyed a Chinese Jet Fighter

  ·Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan Receives a Letter of Apology on April 11 Handed Over From Joseph Prueher, U.S. Ambassador to China and the Key Representative of the U.S. Government, For Handling the Incident of a U.S Military Reconnaissance Plane Ramming into and Destroying a Chinese Military Aircraft

  ·The Chinese Government Lodges a Protest Against the Air Incident Whereby a U.S. Reconnaissance Plane Rammed Into and Destroyed a Chinese Military Aircraft in the Sky Over South China Sea

  ·The Chinese Government Declares a Solemn and Just Stand on the U.S Military Reconnaissance Plan Ramming into and Destroying a Chinese Military Aircraft

  ·Remarks of Foreign Ministry Spokesperson on April 1,2001

  ·Foreign Ministry News Briefings on April 2,2001

  ·Foreign Ministry News Briefings on April 12,2001

  ·Remarks of Foreign Ministry Spokesperson on April 14,2001

  ·Remarks of National Defense Spokesperson on April 4, 2001 About the Incident Whereby a U.S. Spy Plane Collided With and Destroyed a Chinese Military Aircraft

  ·Foreign Ministry News Briefings on March 29,2001

  ·Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan Expresses the Chinese Government’s Indignation on April 4, 2001 to the Japanese Side Over the Decision by the Japanese Government to Approve a Right-Wing History Textbook

  ·Remarks of Education Ministry Spokesperson on April 3,2001

  ·State Council News Briefings on March 1,2001

  ·Notice on the Problems Concerning Setting Up Muslims’ Canteens or Kitchens in Various Schools at Different Levels —— Ministry of Education and State Ethnic Affairs Commission

  ·Circular of Ministry of Education, State Development Planning Commission and Ministry of Finance on the Problems Concerning the Work of Collecting Tuition on Students to Be Enrolled by Institutions of Higher Learning in the Year 2001

  ·Circular on Issuing “Temporary Regulations on Qualification System for Practising Cotton Quality Inspectors” —— Ministry of Personnel and State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision

  —Temporary Regulations on Qualification System for Practicing Cotton Quality Inspectors

  ·Circular on Conscientious Implementation of Land-Use Quota for Highway and

  Railway Construction Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Communications and Ministry of Railways

  ·Circular of the Ministry of Health on Issuing “Managerial Regulations Concerning Health Intellectual Property Rights

  —Managerial Regulations Concerning Health Intellectual Property Rights

  ·Circular on Issuing “Certain Regulations Regarding the Experimental Work in Medical Establishments for Concentrated Purchase of Medicines Through Public Bidding —— Ministry of Health, State Development Planning Commission, State Economic and Trade Commission, State Drug Administration, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

—Certain Regulations Regarding the Experimental Work in Medical Establishments for Concentrated Purchase of Medicines Through Public Bidding

  ·Communique of the 2000 Fifth National Census on Major Dada (No.1)……State Statistics Bureau

  ·Communique of the 2000 Fifth National Census on Major Data (No.2)…….State Statistics Bureau

  ·Official Letter of Reply of State Council on Agreement With Hubei Province’s Proposal to Establish Duodao District Under the Jurisdiction of Jingmen City

  ·Official Letter of Reply of State Council on Agreement With Establishment of Xiangshan Customs

  ·Presidential Decree No. 47 of the People’s Republic of China