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State Council Gazette Issue No.17 Serial No.1016 (June 20, 2001)

Updated: Jun 20,2001 3:57 PM


  ·Decree No.300 of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China

  —Regulations on Protection of Integrated Circuit Wiring Design Diagram

  ·Decree No.301 of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China

  —Decision of the State Council on Revision of “Rules for Implementation of the Foreign-Capital Enterprise Law of the People’s Republic of China”

  —Rules for Implementation of the Foreign-Capital Enterprise Law of the People’s Republic of China

  ·Circular of the State Council on Transmission of the Program for China’s Undertakings for the Disabled in the 10th Five-Year Plan Period

  —The Program for China’s Undertakings for the Disabled in the 10th Five-Year Plan Period

  ·Message of Greetings of Premier Zhu Rongji to Newly Appointed Premier of the Republic of Moldova

  ·Foreign Ministry News Briefings on April 17,2001

  ·Sino-US Negotiations on the Incident of U.S. Military Reconnaissance Plane Ramming Into and Destroying a Chinese Military Aircraft

  ·Foreign Ministry News Briefings on April 20,2001

  ·Foreign Ministry News Briefings on April 21,2001

  ·Foreign Ministry News Briefings on April 24,2001

  ·Remarks of Foreign Ministry Spokesperson on May 3,2001

  ·Foreign Ministry News Briefings on May 8,2001

  ·Decree No. 7 Issued Jointly by the State Development Planning Commission and the State Economic and Trade Commission of the People’s Republic of China

  —Catalogue Encouraging Development of Industries, Products and Technologies at Present

  ·Emergency Circular on Immediately Stopping Production of Disposable Foaming Plastic Dinner Service —— State Economic and Trade Commission

  ·Circular of the Ministry of Public Security on Heavily Cracking Down on Criminal Activities Violating Rules and Regulations on Management of Explosives, Firearms and Ammunition

  ·Circular of the State Taxation Administration on Certain Questions Concerning Collecting Turnover Taxes on Computer Software

  ·Circular on Revision and Issuance of “Methods on Reexamination of Administrative Protection of Medicines —— State Drug Administration

  —Methods on Reexamination of Administrative Protection of Medicines of the State Drug Administration

  ·Circular on Issuing “Certain Regulations on Clinical Study of Medicines —— State Drug Administration

  —Certain Regulation on Clinical Study of Medicines

  ·Official Letter of Reply of the State Council on Agreement With the Conventional Boundaries of Administrative Areas Jointly Surveyed and Determined by Sichuan Province and Qinghai Province