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State Council Gazette Issue No.26 Serial No.989 (September 20, 2000)

Updated: Sep 20,2000 9:54 AM


  ·Circular of the State Council on Approving and Issuing Several Proposals of the State Development Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance , Ministry of Water Resources and Ministry of Construction on Strengthening the Administration of Construction of Public Welfare Water Conservancy Works

  —Several Proposals on Strengthening the Administration of Construction of Public Welfare Water Conservancy Works

  ·Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Proposals of the Leading Group of Clearing and Rectifying Intermediary Social Institutions Engaged in Economic Verification on Detaching Intermediary Social Institutions Engaged in Economic Verification From Government Departments and Restructuring Them

  —Proposals on Detaching Intermediary Social Institutions Engaged in Economic Verification From Government Departments and Restructuring Them

  ·Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Proposals of the Central Commission of Comprehensive Control of Social Security and Other Departments on Intensifying Comprehensive Control of School Security

  —Proposals on Intensifying Comprehensive Control of School Security

  ·Telegram of Congratulations From President Jiang Zemin to Bashar al-Assad on His Election to Syrian President

  ·Telegram of Congratulations to the 36th Summit Meeting of the Organization of African Unity —— Premier Zhu Rongji of the State Council of the PRC

  ·Joint Communique of the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Tajikistan on Developing Good-Neighborly Relations Oriented to the 21st Century

  ·Decree No.1 [2000] of the People’s Bank of China

  —Methods for the Administration of Qualification for the Office of High-Ranking Administrative Personnel of Financial Institutions

  ·Circular on Strictly Implementing the Regulations on Real Name Savings Accounts —— People’s Bank of China

  ·Decree No. 93 of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce of the People’s Republic of China

  —Methods for the Administration of Registry of Enterprise Name

  ·Decree No. 95 of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce of the People’s Republic of China

  —Methods for the Administration of Printed Advertisements

  ·Circular on Strengthening the Administration of Advertisements on Intermediary Service for Studying Abroad at One’s Own Expenses —— State Administration of Industry and Commerce

  ·The Development of Tibetan Culture —— Information Office of the State Council

  ·Decree No. 20 of the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China

  —Methods for the Administration of Inspection and Quarantine of Exported Honey

  ·Decree No. 21 of the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China

  —Methods for the Administration of Supervision and Inspection of Imported and Exported Cosmetics

  ·Decree No. 22 of the State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China

  —Methods for the Administration of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Seals