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State Council Gazette Issue No.28 Serial No.991 (October 10, 2000)

Updated: Oct 10,2000 9:50 AM


  ·Decree No. 288 of the State Council and the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China

  —Basic Rules of the People’s Republic of China on Aviation

  ·Written Approval of the State Council on the General City Planning Program of Guiyang City

  ·Written Approval of the State Council on Issues Concerning the Establishment of China Sat’s

  ·Written Approval of the State Council on the General City Planning Program of Zibo City

  ·Written Approval of the State Council on the General City Planning Program of Taiyuan City

  ·Joint Statement by the Presidents of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation on Anti-Ballistic Missile

  ·Beijing Declaration of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation

  ·Circular on Issuing the Proposals for Implementation on Deepening the Personnel System Reform of Medical Institutions —— Organization Department of the CPCCC and Another Two Departments

  —Proposals for Implementation on Deepening the Personnel System Reform of Medical Institutions

  ·Circular on Strengthening the Administration of the Collection of Utilization Charges for Newly Designated Land for Construction Purpose —— Ministry of Land and Resources

  ·Circular on Issuing the Methods for the Acceptance of Adjustment and Demarcation of Basic Farmland Reserves —— Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Agriculture

  —Methods for the Acceptance of Adjustment and Demarcation of Basic Farmland Reserves

  ·Circular on Issuing the Methods for the Collection of Charges by River Container Ports —— Ministry of Communications, State Development Planning Commission

  —Methods for the Collection of Charges by River Container Ports

  ·Circular on Issuing the Interim Methods for the Administration of Trans-Regional Operation of Combines —— Ministry of Agriculture

  —Interim Methods for the Administration of Trans-Regional Operation of Combines

  ·Decree No. 10 of the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China

  —Methods for the Administration of Food Hygiene of the Catering Trade

  ·Circular on Seriously Implementing the Methods for the Administration of Food Hygiene of the Catering Trade and Strengthening the Administration of Hygienic Work of the Catering Trade Ministry of Health, State Administration of Internal Trade

  ·Circular of the Ministry of Health on Ensuring the Assessment of Professional Qualification of Doctors to Be Better Done

  ·Written Approval of the State Council to Henan Province on Revoking the Status of Zhoukou Prefecture and Establishing Prefecture-Level Zhoukou City

  ·Written Approval of the State Council to Henan Province on Revoking the Status of Zhumadian Prefecture and Establishing Prefecture- Level Zhumadian City

  ·Written Approval of the State Council to Shanghai Municipality on Revoking the Status of Huangpu and Nanshi Districts and Establishing a New Huangpu District

  ·Written Approval of the State Council to Sichuan Province on Revoking the Status of Yaan Prefecture and Establishing Prefecture- Level Yaan City