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State Council Gazette Issue No. 21 Serial No. 1452 (July 30, 2013)

Updated: Aug 23,2014 6:16 PM

•Decree of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China (No.637)

  —Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Aliens

•Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Sound Development of the Photovoltaic Industry

•Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Work of Urban Shantytown Renovation

•Circular of the State Council on Printing and Issuing the Comprehensive Plan for Recovery and Reconstruction After Lushan Earthquake

  —Comprehensive Plan for Recovery and Reconstruction After Lushan Earthquake (July,


•Decision of the State Council on Cancelling and Devolving 50 Items Subject to Administrative Examination and Approval and Other Items

  —Catalogue of Items Subject to Administrative Examination and Approval Cancelled and Devolved by Decision of the State Council (29 Items in Total)

  —Catalogue of Items Subject to Administrative Examination and Approval Partly Cancelled and Devolved by Decision of the State Council (13 Items in Total)

  —Catalogue of Items of Performance Assessment and Acceptance Cancelled and Devolved by Decision of the State Council (3 Items in Total)

•Opinions of the State Council on Policies and Measures for Supporting the Recovery and Reconstruction After Lushan Earthquake

•Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Adjusting the Constituent Members of the National Energy Committee

•Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Issuing the Provisions on Main Functions, Internal Structure and Staffing of the General Administration of Press and Publication, Radio, Film and Television

  —Provisions on Main Functions, Internal Structure and Staffing of the General Administration of Press and Publication, Radio, Film and Television

•Urgent Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Effectively Fulfilling the

  —Work of Precautions Against and Response to Disasters During the Flood Season

•Decree of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (No.6, 2013)

  —Decision of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Amending the Provisionson Supervision and Administration of Insurance Brokerage Agencies

  —Provisions on Supervision and Administration of Insurance Brokerage Agencies

•Decree of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (No.7, 2013)

  —Decision of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Amending the Provisionson Supervision and Administration of Specialized Insurance Agencies

  —Provisions on Supervision and Administration of Specialized Insurance Agencies

•Opinions of the Ministry of Justice on Further Promoting the Legal Aid Work

•Circular of the Ministry of Finance on Printing and Issuing the Rules for Budget Performance Management of Funds for Economic Construction Projects

  —Rules for Budget Performance Management of Funds for Economic Construction Projects

•Circular of the Ministry of Finance on Printing and Issuing the Measures for Administration of Funds for Development of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises Engaging in Industries with Local Characteristics

  —Measures for Administration of Funds for Development of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises Engaging in Industries with Local Characteristics

•Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Civil Affairs on Printing and Issuing the Measures for Administration of the Projects for Using Special Central Lottery Public Welfare Funds to Support Homes for the Aged in Rural Areas

  —Measures for Administration of the Projects for Using Special Central Lottery Public Welfare Funds to Support Homes for the Aged in Rural Areas