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State Council Gazette Issue No.12 Serial No.1119 (April 30, 2004)

Updated: Apr 30,2004 10:39 AM


  ·Raising Awareness and Reaching Consensus on Firmly Building up and Conscientiously Practising the Scientific Concept of Development -- Speech at the Completion Ceremony of the Advanced Study Courses on Building up and Practising the Scientific Concept of Development for Major Leading Cadres at Provincial and Ministerial Levels —— Wen Jiabao   

  ·Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on Ratification of the Treaty between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Korea on Judicial Assistance in Civil and Commercial Matters   

  ·Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Transmitting and Issuing the Proposals of the National Population and Family Planning Commission and the Ministry of Finance on the Work of Experimentation on Rewarding and Supporting Certain Birth Control Families in Rural Areas

  —Proposals on the Work of Experimentation on Rewarding and Supporting Certain Birth Control Families in Rural Areas

  ·A Letter in Reply from the General Office of the State Council on Interpretation of Article 5 of the Interim Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on City Maintenance and Construction Tax   

  ·Decree No.5 of the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China

  —Interim Procedures for Implementation of Intervention and Emergency Measures Regarding Prices During Time of Emergency

  ·Circular on Properly Solving Relevant Problems in Leaving the Centres for Reemployment by Laid-off Employees of State-owned Enterprises —— Ministry of Labour and Social Security and Ministry of Finance

  ·Circular on Issues Relating to Identification of Capacity to Work —— Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Health,All-China Federation of Trade Unions and China Enterprise Confederation

  ·Circular on Relevant Issues on Strengthening Examination and Submission for Approval of Land for Urban Construction —— Ministry of Land and Resources

  ·Circular on Strengthening Administration of Land Supply and Promoting Sustainable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market —— Ministry of Land and Resources

  ·Circular on Printing and Issuing Several Proposals on Land Development and Management —— Ministry of Land and Resources

  —Several Proposals on Land Development and Management

  ·Proposals on Speeding up Renovation of Water Supply Pipelines and Networks in Cities —— Ministry of Construction, National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Finance

  ·Decree No.103 of the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China

  —Provisions of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of Customs Declaration of Import and Export Goods

  ·Decree No.17 of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television

  —Interim Measures on Administration of Broadcasting of Advertisements on Radio and Television

  ·Statistical Communiqué of the People’s Republic of China on National Economic and Social Development in 2003 —— National Bureau of Statistics   

  ·Order No.14 of the President of the People’s Republic of China

  ·Appointments and Removals Made by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China