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State Council Gazette Issue No.11 Serial No.974 (April 20, 2000)

Updated: Apr 20,2000 10:53 AM


  ·President Jiang Zemin’s Letter of Congratulations to the Eighth Workshop on Regional Cooperation for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region

  ·Working Hard to Improve Administration in An All-Round Way —— Zhu Rongji

  ·Written Approval of the State Council on the Agreement on Administrative Boundaries Between the People’s Governments of the Sichuan and Shaanxi Provinces

  ·Written Approval of the State Council on the Agreement on Administrative Boundaries Between the People’s Governments of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Yunnan Province

  ·Written Approval of the State Council on the Agreement on Administrative Boundaries Between the People’s Governments of Chongqing Municipality and Guizhou Province

  ·Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Directive Proposals of the Economic Restructuring Office of the State Council and Other Departments on the Reform of Urban Medical and Health Care System

  —Directive Proposals on the Reform of Urban Medical and Health Care System

  ·Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Proposals of the Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Construction on Launching “Project of Smooth Traffic” for Upgrading Traffic Management Nationwide

  —Proposals on Launching “Project of Smooth Traffic” for Upgrading Traffic Management Nationwide

  ·Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Proposals of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Other Departments on Accelerating Socialization of Social Welfare Undertakings

  —Proposals on Accelerating Socialization of Social Welfare Undertakings

  ·The One-China Principle and the Taiwan Issue —— Taiwan Affairs Office & Information Office of the State Council

  ·Foreign Ministry News Briefings on January 25, 2000

  ·Foreign Ministry News Briefings on February 22, 2000

  ·Decree No. 19 of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China

  —Interim Regulations on the Administration of Social Welfare Institutions

  ·Circular on Detaching the Institutions of Land Assessment From Responsible Government Departments —— Ministry of Land and Resources

  ·Circular on Several Issues Concerning the Use of Land for Construction Projects Financed by Additional Government Bonds —— Ministry of Land and Resources & State Development and Planning Commission

  ·Circular of the Ministry of Land and Resources and State Economic and Trade Commission on Issuing and Enforcing the Category of Projects Limited to Land Supply and the Category of Projects Barred From Land Supply