A formal agreement for WorldSkills Shanghai 2021 was signed on June 12 between WorldSkills International, the Municipality of Shanghai, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.
According to the agreement, the 46th edition of the WorldSkills event will be held in Shanghai from Sept 22 to 27, 2021. Agreements were also reached on nine aspects of the competition, including publicity and market development, sponsorship and partnership, operation and technology, cost, and bidding commitment.
On June 12, the three parties reached another agreement regarding the building of the first WorldSkills Museum in Shanghai.
The museum, which would offer free access to the public, will display the history and new developments of world skills, help promote the cooperation and exchange of different skills, educate international youths and serve as the organization’s official library.
“We applaud China for the quality and vibrancy of its plans. China’s dedication to promoting skills in its young population, as well as to industrial development driven by technology and innovation is creating an environment in which vocational skills and skilled craftspeople can thrive,” said Simon Bartley, president of WorldSkills, in an earlier interview.
“This makes the country a natural choice for the world championships of skills,” he added.
China has 165 million skilled workers and 45 million highly-skilled workers, with about 27 million students exploring and developing a wide range of skills at more than 12,000 vocational schools and colleges. The country has established more than 80 training centers that use pedagogical methods adopted from the WorldSkills Competition.