Involve everybody by adopting a national strategy towards pollution rather than a selective regional/industrial one. The following are just a few ideas for consideration.
1. The compulsory replacement of coal with smokeless fuel such as furnacite.
2. The phasing out of all privately owned cars and company cars with engines larger than 1600cc.
3. Establishing a zone for each city above a certain size that can only be accessed by private cars belonging to permit holding commercial vehicles and permit holding residents.
4. The introduction of free (car) park and (free) ride (bus) outside the city limits to enable non-resident drivers to enter the cities.
5. The introduction of cleaner fuel standards such as they have in Europe.
6. Introduce a ‘stick and carrot’ approach towards industrial polluters - provide tax advantages/subsidies for those who invest in cleaner technology but create punitive financial deterrents for those who don’t comply including the nationalization of their business if necessary.
7. Introduce a ‘stick and carrot’ approach to farmers - burning straw to be eliminated with heavy fines and loss of leases for repeat offenders. However, local governments to provide free disposal centers where the straw can be recycled using existing technology into paper, building materials etc.