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New duties given to group on govt function transformation

Updated: Jul 25,2018 3:57 PM

The State Council’s original coordination group on government function transformation will take on responsibilities to coordinate administrative reform, according to a notice released on July 25.

The group’s leadership panel also was reshuffled. Vice-Premier Han Zheng will assume duties as head of the coordination group. State Councilor Wang Yong was named deputy head, and Xiao Jie, state councilor and secretary-general of the State Council, was appointed deputy head and director of the group’s office.

Most of the members are senior officials from different ministries.

The coordination group was established to put government function transformation and administrative reform in place, to stipulate market vitality and society’s creativity.

The coordination group was divided into several teams. Five teams are in charge of special subjects, including administrative approval, business environment, entrepreneurship and innovation, business system reform, and social services.

There are four supportive teams: one comprehensive team for the group’s daily work, such as communicating with different teams and organizing research projects, one team for providing legal advice, one for supervision and another expertise team for conducting research and giving suggestions.

According to the notice, the coordination group should serve as director and supervisor to carrying out government function transformation and administrative reform.

Departments under the State Council are required to set good examples in administrative reform and to assist local governments in solving difficulties.

Local governments should innovate their work mechanisms proactively in line with local conditions to push forward the function transformation and administrative reform, according to the notice.